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My little dog (我的小狗)

来源:陕西青少年服务网    发表时间:2018-06-19


I have a little cute dog. His name is Eat because he likes eating food very much. He is white and brown. His eyes are black like glass balls. His legs are short but strong. His tail is a bit long and his ears are a little short. Everyday he gets up early just like a man ready for work. During the day, he really works around our garden like a guard protecting us. He seems to know me well. Every time I go home after school, he often waits for me at the door, waving his tail and knocking at the door. He likes to be free, so he often sleeps outdoors. He is quite very popular in my community for his kind to people around. So he lives a happy life. I love him very much.

(作者:西北大学附属小学四(4)班 汪栩蓥  指导老师:王晶晶)


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