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Guangdong Province Museum

来源:陕西青少年服务网    发表时间:2019-09-05


Today we went to Guangdong Province museum. It is summer, it is very hot. But there is air-conditioning in the museum, so it’s cool, too.

Guangdong Province museum, a comprehensive museum with collection of over 17000 pieces (sets) was open to the public on October 1st, 1959. It is a national first-class museum and the base for patriotism education and social. Vivid caricature and pictures, lifelike specimens and advanced multimedia the exhibition shows rich natural resources precious, unique topography and mineral resources, precious jades, mysterious ancient creatures, miraculous medicinal plants as well as oceanic animals.

I love museum, love Guangdong.

(作者:曲江第二中学初一(11)班 马婧硕)


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