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Into The Broad Forest


来源:陕西青少年服务网    发表时间:2017-04-07


The forest is a marvelous world. It’s small animals fantasy island. Dad said:"If you have a good Achievement in next midterm, then i would take you go to the Qinling Mountains." I have a nap after lunch on Saturday. I’m go to the forest in the dream. The forest is so lovely  in the morning: the day is sunny, some birds are singing on the tree. Some small animals are running. some butterflies  are flying in the air. Ducks swim in the river. what a beautiful morning have passed.  "Get up !go to the dance lesson." Grandma said. she’s very anxious. All right, just a dream. I wish the dream would come true.


(作者:雁塔区三五零七小学四(1)班 孙玥瑶)


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