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来源:陕西青少年服务网    发表时间:2016-12-05


I have many friends, but my best friend is Anna. Although she is quiet, she always cares about me. She is quite different from me. I am very outgoing. And I like playing sport. We can talk about and share everything. When I am sad, she is always makes me laugh. When I am happy, she is also as happy as me.
One day, I broke my leg. I did not go to school for a long time. I learned nothing, so she helped me with study, and told me “Do not worry, I can help you.” Our relation was getting better.

Another time, she made a mistake. The teacher criticized her, she was very sad and kept crying. I comforted her. I told jokes to make her laugh.

I think a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart, and you don’t need a lot of friends as long as they’re good.

(作者:高新梦想教育教研组 张欣欣  指导老师 赵海涛)


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