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The bridge of the future

来源:陕西青少年服务网    发表时间:2017-06-20


There are different kinds of bridges in the world.whith its strong and     beautifulboay.tostand in the river,the water becomes Qili scenery.

  Once,i saw a car suddenly broke down on the deck,causing traffic congesiton,long queues of vehicles blocking can't do anything on the bridge,there fore,my father and i also pick up grandma.

  First of all,i want to bulid the bridge is made of high---tech mater;als,nothit,if the trafficacc ident on the bridge,the bridge on both sides of the fence and elastic buffer pressure properly,and aslong as the car collided with a brige guardrail in tefense system will auiomatkally open,then,on both sides of the bridge will rise protection nexwork to prevent accidents from happening again.

  The bridge is the crystallization of human wisdom and the bridge.I believe the bridge i built will be welcomed by all of you.



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