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My Best Friend (我最好的朋友)

来源:陕西青少年服务网    发表时间:2021-05-21


I have a good friend .Her  name is Dai Guoyan .She is my best friend .She is eleven years old  and  she’s  very beautiful .She has long hair, two  big black eyes, a  cherry mouth and  a high bridge of nose.She comes from China, She can speak Chinese very well,She can speak English too. She is very clever. She like yellow .She likes music and She can sing very well.Everyone likes  to  listen to her when she sings .Her birthday is on June 1st. The day is on  International Children’s Day. Apples and fried rice are her favourite food .She is good at singing and she often help me with it. I like her very much. 

(作者:火箭军工程大学附属小学五年级二班 徐美珊)


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